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- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM 27.50
Product Characteristic
702 Litter Deodorizer is a formulation designed for neutralizing the odor for your cat's litter box fast and effectively. Enhanced with natural caramel mocha coffee flavoring, it kills bacteria and yeast, and leave a scent of morning cup of coffee.
It is also good to use in neutralizing the bad odor in our rubbish bins, toilet, animal carrier and playhouse. Just spray on and leave it. Cats will naturally love it as it natural in its pure sense.
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM7.00 each
Product Characteristic Our pet's ear is very sensitive, more than often, pet's owner is afraid to clean the ears due to possibility of injuring the pet's ear drum and lead to infecting the ear canal. The days of worries is over! Cluve Buds is specially designed for your pet's ear. It is designed with an objective for perfectly cleansing the ear from ear wax and preventing from hurting the ear drum while cleaning. The special size of Cluve buds makes cleaning an ease and it fits perfectly into the ear canal conveniently Made with 100% anti-microbial technology, ensure a clean and anti infection cleaning each time. Clean your pet's ear with CLUVE EAR CLEANER for a perfect ear hygiene care. Containing a unique patent pending formula, that consists of 2 different biocides, it is proven to kill 99.999% of all known micro-organisms including MRSA and avian H5N1 virus. Unlike other powerful biocides, the formula is hand safe. The BENEFITS of CLUVE Buds
Product Packaging: 1 carton x 12 bottles x 160 tips |
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM31.50
Shampoo Characteristic
Sooth the itch, moist the skin, leave fur soft and supple and smells like a magical Bearie.Derived from a plant-based formulation made of seed esters, non-ionic linear ethixylate based surfactants, monoethanolamine (fully reacted), and tall-oil fatty acid, Bearie Magical works like magic as a ticks and fleas shampoo and it is safe for your pet’s weekly wash.With several case studies, Bearie Magical, has shown it capability to suffocate fleas, ticks and mites. Regular usage will have a repellant effect from ticks, fleas and mites. It is naturally an anti-bacterial capable to kill 100% bacteria, tested by an independent Laboratory.
Bearie Silky Magical shampoo is formulated with AD Nano , a USDA authorized A-I for use in food processing areas, compliance to OSHA 29-CFR CH. XVII 1910.1200; OSHA 40 CFRCH. I SUB PARTS C & D. The Bearie Magical shampoo does not contain VOC’s per EPA testing protocols 8081 and 8082. AD Nano has been tested by Bolin Labs/Legend Technical Services and has passes as a non-toxic in aquatic environment by US EPA protocols as performed by Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. It is safe for human and animalin its application.
Product Packaging:
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM31.50
CLUVE®T Ear Medicce System (EMS) - STOP ITCH
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM31.50
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM53.50
Shampoo distinguish characteristic:
1. Smells great
2. Shines great
3. Vitamined the skin
4. Affordability
5. Reduces Fur Shedding
6. Increase Fur Growth
CLUVE®T Squalene COLOR CARE shampoo contains activated
Squalene to promote fur growth and reduces fur shedding, while
providing a bubbling foam for easy cleansing of oily skin and improve
skin vitality with its natural Squalene nutrients. New Fresh-Lock™
System provide a longer lasting freshness for your pet. CLUVE®T
Squalene COLOR CARE is suitable for MULTI color fur pets.
Professional blend pet’s conditioning shampoo combine with the best
nutrient of Squalene. Promote freshness lock, extra shine lock, fur
strength lock and to improve fur vitality. Long lasting freshness with
NEW Fresh Lock System™ - every bath. Suitable for MULTI color furs.
CLUVE®T 鲨鱼肝油精华美白洗发素内含有活化的鲨鱼肝油可促进毛皮生长并减少毛发脱落,同
力。 新的Fresh-Lock™系统为您的宠物提供更持久的新鲜度。 CLUVE®T 鲨鱼肝油精华美白洗发
专业混合宠物的调理洗发水与鲨鱼肝油精华的最佳营养结合。 促进新鲜度锁定,额外的闪光
锁,毛皮强度锁定和改善毛发的活力。 使用NEW Fresh Lock System™,每次清洗都保持持久的
新鲜感。 也适合白色毛皮。
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM36.50
Product Characteristic
- Non - perfumed - no pet's skin allergies
- SkyBio® - patented Japan ingredient for fast action as Bactericidal, Virucidal, Tuberculocidal, Fungicidal.
- DEEP CLEANSING - removes oil, grease, dirt, grimes and stains.
- Safe for carpets and sofas
- Safe for car's sofas
- Removes odor almost instantly
- Safe for human skin contact
Disinfectant 603 is formulated with AD Nano , a USDA authorized A-I for use in food processing areas, compliance to OSHA 29-CFR CH. XVII 1910.1200; OSHA 40 CFRCH. I SUB PARTS C & D. Disinfectant 603 does not contain VOC’s per EPA testing protocols 8081 and 8082. AD Nano has been tested by Bolin Labs/Legend Technical Services and has passes as a non-toxic in aquatic environment by US EPA protocols as performed by Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. It is safe for human and animalin its application. |
Product Packaging:
1 carton x 12 bottles x 500ml- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM31.50
Shampoo Characteristic HERBAX 230 is design with the ultimatum goals to allows the cat's skin to breath by eliminating aliens element from their skin, without drying the skin. This formulation is best use as a prevention shampoo as it contains anti-bacterial and anti-septic agents that can retard the bacterial growth for days - fur shed control. HERBAX 230 is further activated with a higher dosage of 8 herbal essenses, namely, Betula Alba Leaf, Nettle, Horsetail, Coltfoot, Yarrow, Mother of Thyme, Rosemary and Aloe Vera extract for total skin care and fur shedding-control action effect, making HERBAX suitable for frequent usage. The combination of anti-bacterial and herbal essenses, promotes safe, healthier and softer skin.
Product Target Usage
Oxyzen Therapy HERBAX 230 is design for:
1.Reduces fur shedding due to allergies.
2.Cleansing of the skin from deposited conditioners and perfume.
3.Prevention of allergies.
4.Elimination of dandruff.
5.Promotes healthy lifestyle.
6.Able to relief mild symptom of skin allergies
7.Contains anti allergies herbal (8 herbal essenses)
8.Anti-bacterial Formulation (MGuard Px), retard bacterial growth to keep pets stay fresh
9.Mildly fragrances, reduces the risk of fragrance toxicity
10.Contains Pro Vitamin B5 and Aloe Vera.
11.Safe amount of fur conditioners.
Stringent International Manufacturing Standard
Oxyzen Therapy Conditioning Shampoo - HERBAX 230 - is certified with GMP manufacturing practice and ISO9001:2000 process management.
Product Description
1 carton x 12 bottles x 230ml
Product description
Product Packaging:
RM119.80 (Pen. Malaysia)
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) RM31.50
Shampoo Characteristic
Sooth the itch, moist the skin, leave fur soft and supple and smells like a magical Bearie.
With several case studies, Bearie Magical, has shown it capability to suffocate fleas, ticks and mites. Regular usage will have a repellant effect from ticks, fleas and mites. It is naturally an anti-bacterial capable to kill 100% bacteria, tested by an independent Laboratory.
Bearie Magical shampoo is formulated with AD Nano , a USDA authorized A-I for use in food processing areas, compliance to OSHA 29-CFR CH. XVII 1910.1200; OSHA 40 CFRCH. I SUB PARTS C & D. The Bearie Magical shampoo does not contain VOC’s per EPA testing protocols 8081 and 8082. AD Nano has been tested by Bolin Labs/Legend Technical Services and has passes as a non-toxic in aquatic environment by US EPA protocols as performed by Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. It is safe for human and animalin its application. |
Shampoo Characteristic
Product Description:
Sooth the itch, moist the skin, leave fur soft and supple and smells like a magical Bearie.
With several case studies, Bearie Magical, has shown it capability to suffocate fleas, ticks and mites. Regular usage will have a repellant effect from ticks, fleas and mites. It is naturally an anti-bacterial capable to kill 100% bacteria, tested by an independent Laboratory.
Bearie Magical shampoo is formulated with AD Nano , a USDA authorized A-I for use in food processing areas, compliance to OSHA 29-CFR CH. XVII 1910.1200; OSHA 40 CFRCH. I SUB PARTS C & D. The Bearie Magical shampoo does not contain VOC’s per EPA testing protocols 8081 and 8082. AD Nano has been tested by Bolin Labs/Legend Technical Services and has passes as a non-toxic in aquatic environment by US EPA protocols as performed by Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. It is safe for human and animalin its application. |
Product Packaging:
1 carton x 12 bottles x 400ml
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM54.50
The ERA of Shampoo Revolution
Zantree brings you the first in Malaysia, a pet shampoo with Calamus Extract
The characteristic : refreshing, cleansing with a note of jungle fresh after wash.
Z-Blink, naturally antiseptic, soothing & clearing the pores from impurities and pollution. Blended with 100% pure natural Calamus extract, PETdiatric Laboratories successfully refine the definition of a BALANCE shampoo that clear pores from impurities while maintaining the skin moisture naturally, with SKIN TONING effect.
Z-Blink, as the name suggest, shines the fur, straightening the bulb of the furs, reducing fur lost and promote a shiny healthy furs naturally. Z-Blink, being the latest family member from our popular Teatree Mint and Oatmilk, we trust, this solution will bring you happiness in bathing your pets. Comes in 725ml, tested by professionals, it is now suitable for small breed to large breed of pets.
The extract: Calamus extract has a disinfecting effect. Lightly tones and tightens skin, clear the pores and eliminates acne. It is mainly used to increases shine and fluffiness and reduces hair loss by strengthening bulbs.
The distinguished characteristics of Z-Blink:
- Natural Deep Cleansing - removes all skin impurities
- A natural antiseptic
- Clear pores- stop itch
- Naturally strengthening the bulbs - healthy shiny furs
- Contain high quality conditioner that leave on furs
- Long lasting effect - Fur stays SOFT and Fresh for days.
- EZY foaming Formulation, easy to rinse!
- Natural Volume up - suitable for all breeds with tropical weather.
As a physical care (shampoo) complete with safe amount of conditioner to prevent or adjunctive treatment on dog's skin & coat.
Suitable for frequent usage as once in 3-4 days or once in week depend on conditions needed.
1 carton x 12 bottles x 725ml
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM40.90
Now comes in 525ml with a mixing cap
Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM36.50 Product description PETSAFE, as the name suggest is designed with safety of our pet's in mind. It is design to be used in between bath, eliminates bacteria that cause bad odor, but leaving the skin fresh and not irritated, it retards the growth of bacteria contamination due to irritated oil gland of the animal skin. NOW!Petsafe AD Nano is combined with an activated plant based nano protein that is effective in killing bacteria, mould (fungi), yeast and virus. It is also a potent repellent for ticks, mites, spiders and fleas. How does it works? Simple 1, 2, 3 steps:
The benefits of bringing in AD Nano for Malaysia Pet's owners, is its safety, high efficacy, non toxic and its ticks, mites, fleas and spider repellant capability! Best use to repel ticks and fleas - a quick spray will repel any risk of infestation of mites, fleas and ticks from the brisk walk! Another spray after the walk for a quick disinfecting result before entering the house.
To make it more interesting, Petsafe is now available in 2 variant of food flavoring! Apple and Mandarinna. No FRAGRANCE? Yeap, we did not put any fragrance in DRY Shampoo, as part of making it food grade. But you will get a pleasant smell from it. We use FOOD FLAVORING!! NO ALCOHOL? Yeap, alcohol FREE, PETSAFE is water based. Another part of being irritation free to your pets skin (and your skin - cause you will be the one who gonna rub it dry!!), PETSAFE is water based. Water based make it stay longer on the fur of your pets, but it enable you to wipe off the access dirt from the action area. Easy, fast and smart way to keep hygiene. Less the irritation of alcohol. YOUR PETS!! This is the main objective. Act as a dry Shampoo, use it in-between bath. Act as a paw's sanitizer, no alcohol, spray on their paws on daily basis, before to bed. Act as a hygiene cleaner, post-toilet cleaner. Spray on and wipe off excessive left over from the fur. VETS For pets that been through surgery. It will be the best dry shampoo ever designed. Spray on, rub till dry and comb off the dirt. Eliminates bacteria and freshen the pets. Suitable for ALL PETS Birds, Rabbits, Hamster, Cats and Dogs, sugar glider, etc. AD Nano® powered AD Nano is a USDA authorized A-I for use in food processing areas, compliance to OSHA 29-CFR CH. XVII 1910.1200; OSHA40 CFRCH. I SUB PARTS C & D. Non- VOC’s per EPA testing protocols 8081 and 8082. AD Nano has been tested by Bolin Labs/Legend Technical Services and has passes as a non-toxic in aquatic environment by USEPA protocols as performed by Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. It is safe for human and animal usage. 1 carton x 12 bottles x 100ml (eq. >400 Sprays) Flavors available:
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM 53.50
Squalene NexD Shampoo is an extension from our very effective skin supplement. It is best to combine a functional shampoo externally, while having a potent internal skin supplement to expedite the recovery and improves the skin immune of your pets.
The characteristic of Squalene NexD 500ml are:
- Fortified with Squalene Oil
- Made with aromatheraphy oil
- Induce fur growth
- Reduces fur shedding
- Retard bacterial growth
- Natural fragrance
Squalene NexD shampoo contains activated Squalene oil to promote fur growth and reduces fur shedding, while providing a bubbling foam for easy cleansing of oily skin and improve skin vitality with its natural Squalene nutrients. Combines with broad spectrum anti-bacterial properties, it will be able to keep your pet’s skin clean and free from bacterial for a longer period. It retard bacterial growth for days. Squalene NexD System provide a longer lasting freshness for your pet.
Squalene NexD is suitable for ALL color fur pet with professional blend pet’s conditioner, it keeps the skin irritation away, while keeping the shininess of your pet’s fur. Squalene NexD shampoo is suitable to be use for long term, weekly bath for all kind of small animals, including, dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters.
- Product Retail Selling Price (RSP) is RM54.50
Product Description

The NEW Tea Tree Mint
The characteristic of Teatree Mint - clean, fresh with a note of mint after wash.
Superb deep cleansing, natural antiseptic, soothing & clearing the pores from impurities and pollution. Blended with 100% pure natural melaleuca oil in the formulation and a hint of peppermint oil. PETdiatric Laboratories successfully re-create a blend of balance shampoo that clear pores from impurities while maintaining the skin moisture naturally. 100% pure natural peppermint oil, it leave a clear note of distinctive freshness on your dog's skin after every wash.
The Characteristic - BOLD
- Deep Cleansing - removes all skin impurities
- A natural antiseptic
- Anti itch properties - mint
- Naturally lock the skin moisture and allows the pores to breath
- Contain high quality conditioner that leave on furs
- Long lasting effect - Fur stays SOFT and Fresh for days.
- EZY foaming Formulation, easy to rinse!
- Natural Volume up - suitable for all breeds with tropical weather.
PETdiatric Laboratories designs TeaTree Mint shampoo as an anti-bacterial preventive shampoo suitable for regular use. Zantree TeaTree Mint shampoo retards bacterial growth for days, ensuring your pets to be fresh and free from skin irritation. A new hybrid range of naturally blended herbal remedies shampoo, that simply work. |
As a physical care (shampoo) complete with safe amount of conditioner to prevent or adjunctive treatment on dog's skin & coat.
Suitable for frequent usage as once in 3-4 days or once in week depend on conditions needed.
1 carton x 12 bottles x 725ml
- 1