CLUVE Antimicrobial Buds 12s

  • Product Retail Selling Price (RSP)  is RM7.00 each

Product Characteristic
Our pet's ear is very sensitive,  more than often, pet's owner is afraid to clean the ears due to possibility of injuring the pet's ear drum and lead to infecting the ear canal.
The days of worries is over!
Cluve Buds is specially designed for your pet's ear. It is designed with an objective for perfectly cleansing the ear from ear wax and preventing from hurting the ear drum while cleaning.

The special size of Cluve buds makes cleaning an ease and it fits perfectly into the ear canal conveniently
Made with 100% anti-microbial technology, ensure a clean and anti infection cleaning each time.

Clean your pet's ear with CLUVE EAR CLEANER for a perfect ear hygiene care.
Containing a unique patent pending formula, that consists of 2 different biocides, it is proven to kill 99.999% of all known micro-organisms including MRSA and avian H5N1 virus. Unlike other powerful biocides, the formula is hand safe.
Application: Pour in Cluve ear cleaner into your pet's ear, massage the ears and clean it dry with Cluve buds. If ears are very dirty, repeat the above steps, and clean it till all ear wax is cleaned.

  1. Non - perfumed - no pet's skin allergies
  2. Special Size - suitable for pets
  3. Anti-microbial - for a full disinfected bud, each time
  4. Size suitable for cleaning tear stains

Product Packaging:

1 carton x 12 bottles x 160 tips
  • Model: BUDS
  • Manufacturer: PETdiatric Laboratories

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